Losing that extra weight can sometimes feel like an uphill climb. While it can be difficult to stick to a healthy weight loss routine, the reduced risk of several diseases, higher energy levels and boosted self-confidence are well worth the effort. How can you stick with your plan if you’re starting to struggle with everyday choices? Accountability just may be one of your best tools for success.
Don’t Exercise Alone
Working out is imperative to maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle. Search for a personal trainer near me ann arbor mi to help hold you accountable to your workout schedule. Enroll in a local exercise class where you can check in with friends a few times every week. Ask a friend or neighbor to join you on a daily walk or trip to the gym. Whichever route you choose, exercising with others can help you show up for a workout when you’re tempted to skip.
Join a Weight Loss Group
Losing weight is a journey full of highs and lows. Joining a local group who meets once a week can help you stay encouraged and motivated. When you hear others’ stories and feel comfortable sharing your own, you can build a connection that can help you stay strong when you hit a plateau or have an “off” week. It’s a great reminder that you’re not alone, and it’s also an excellent way to gather new ideas for your weight loss plan.
Find an Accountability Partner
If groups aren’t your style, talk with a friend or relative and ask them to partner with you on your journey. They can help you keep your focus by checking in via text and meeting in person every so often. Keep a journal of your food choices and workout schedule for the week and share them when you meet.
When you know you have to answer for your choices, it can help motivate you to stay on track day by day. By asking others to hold you accountable, you can be more successful in reaching your weight loss goals.