The Right Kinds of Drinks for Kids

Choosing the right kinds of drinks for your kids can be a challenge. Sugary sodas and sports drinks are the most common, but there are many other healthy alternatives to choose from. You can find a variety of fruit-based beverages and milk alternatives at your local supermarket. Here are some healthy drinks to serve your children:

Caffeine in energy drinks

The amount of caffeine in energy drinks for kids is not always clear. Some contain 500 milligrams of caffeine per can, while others are less than that. Although energy drinks have many positive benefits, caffeine can have negative side effects, including disrupted sleep and anxiety. Additionally, many of them contain additives that may be dangerous for young consumers. For example, taurine and ginseng have been linked to increased heart rate, while yohimbine may be toxic.

Fruit juice is less nutritious than whole fruit

Research has found that fruit juice contains … Read More

Good and Healthy Drinks for Kids

What are healthy drinks for kids? Besides water, kids can drink fruit juice, coconut water, and milk. You can get some ideas from these examples. If your child doesn’t like milk, you can get coconut water at the supermarket or from a friend. Just remember to get some milk before you bring your child to school. If you’re unsure of which one to get for your kid, ask the school principal. Several parents have had great results by giving their kids a glass of milk.


Water is one of the most-healthy drinks for kids. It doesn’t contain any sugar, and it keeps your child hydrated. Besides, water is the best thirst quencher around. It also helps the brain and muscles stay hydrated. The best way to teach your children to drink water is to use interactive educational materials. To get started, check out the Action for Healthy Kids toolkit. … Read More