Many couples are trying to determine safe period for intercourse to avoid pregnancy. You can calculate the safe days with higher accuracy once to understand the science behind menstrual cycles and what happens in each phase. The safe period calculator helps to prevent unwanted pregnancy without any side effects.
A safe period is a time when a woman has less chances of getting pregnant. So, if you are not ready for it this is the best time for you to have sex as there is no egg in the woman’s body. Before the next menstruation, ovulation occurs 14 days before for most of the woman. It is difficult to know when the women will start her next menstruation. If a woman has a regular period then it is easy to calculate the days of ovulation. The days of previous menstruation must be used as a starting point. It is very important to know that four days before and after ovulation the egg can be fertilised and it is not the safe time for you to have sex if you are not ready to be pregnant. Here are the different phases of menstrual cycle which will help you to calculate safe period: You can also review are recent article on best baby stroller which you may need post-delivery.
The menstrual cycle is of 28 days and is counted from the first day of menstrual bleeding. The menstrual cycle is divided into three phases:
- The Follicular phase: It is a pre-ovulation phase where the follicles in the ovary mature and this phase ends with ovulation.Here the Follicle-stimulating hormone is secreted and Estradiol hormone is atwork.
- The Ovulation phase: The ovulation phase is a time before and after ovulation. The mature ovarian follicle ruptures and discharges an egg or ovum. The woman could get pregnant when she is ovulating.
- The Luteal phase: The luteal phase is thepost-ovulation phase. Here the corpus luteum is created which is a temporary endrocine structure that produces oestrogen or progestogen. To protect the inner membrane of the uterus the body requires oestrogen and progestogen.
However, the safe days also depends upon the lifespan of both the egg and the sperm. If the menstrual cycle is of 28 days then ovulation may occur in the 14th day of menstrual cycle. The ovulation time is sometimes different for different woman as it may occur from the 12th to 19th day of the cycle. The sperm lives for 3 to 5 days so if you have unprotected sex 5 days before ovulation you may become pregnant. The egg has a short lifespan of 24 hours and if fertilisation does not occur within that time then the egg will die. The calculation sometimes may be incorrect due to fluctuating hormones as most of the woman believes that it is safe to have sex after period starts or before it begins.
A safe period calculator may help you and give accurate result in some cases but some people find it complex as it asks for data related to period and body temperature. So most of the people use simpler period calculator which gives accurate results without asking for months of data.
Here are basic data that will serve you as a guide and will be help you to have a safe sex without getting pregnant.