Health Tips for Kids

“Health Tips for Kids” is a great resource to introduce children to the human body, common health problems, and easy-to-follow solutions to stay healthy. The audiobook is made using language children can understand. It explores common health complaints and illnesses, and includes natural remedies for many of these problems. Dr. Starbuck is a licensed naturopathic family physician and attorney. Before trying any remedy, parents should always consult with a doctor.

Hand washing

Getting your kids to wash their hands is a great health tip, but you should remember that not all children wash their hands well. It can be tricky for kids to remember to wash their hands properly, especially if they’re distracted or don’t want to spend much time on it. To get your child to follow the routine, consider making handwashing a game. You can play it with a song or parody of a current hit, or you … Read More

How To Practice Safe Sex as A Woman

Sexual health is an essential part of health and well-being, particularly for women. Women are at higher risk of sexually transmitted diseases; their anatomy makes them vulnerable to catching something, but they are often less likely to show symptoms than men. 

STIs left untreated can have very damaging effects on one’s health and well-being and lead to issues such as cancer and even death in extreme cases. Therefore, protecting yourself from gonorrhea, chlamydia, genital warts, genital herpes, syphilis, and HIV is integral to staying healthy.

Learn the Facts

There are many different STIs that can affect people of all ages and demographics. They come in all shapes and sizes and with a variety of side effects. Furthermore, each STI spreads in a different way – not all are spread by vaginal or anal sex; some can be transmitted during oral sex and genital touching. Therefore, knowing how STIs are spread … Read More

Prenatal Paternity Testing: how accurate is it?

If you’re unsure who the father of your baby is, you could perform a postnatal test. By comparing the DNA of the child with the alleged father’s DNA, you are able to determine if the two are indeed related. For some mothers, it is needed to know these results earlier than that. In these cases, a prenatal paternity test might come in handy. With prenatal paternity testing you can determine the biological father of your child while pregnant with at least 99% accuracy. Below you will find more information on the workings of this test, including its safety and preciseness.

How does a prenatal paternity test work exactly?

You can perform a prenatal paternity test in the comfort of your own home. Order a kit online and it will be sent directly to your house. In the kit, you will find sample collectors. The alleged father will need to perform … Read More

Health Tips for Students

Young bodies need proper nutrition to stay healthy and strong. Healthy food does not necessarily mean junk food! Include fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and nuts in your diet. Dried fruits and nuts are also good for you. Try to make a healthy lunch at home that consists of different food groups, such as protein, carbohydrates, and starch. Also, try to eat a healthy breakfast every day and cultivate the habit of eating a balanced meal every day.

Exercise reduces risk of illness

In early February, researchers published a study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, based on directly measured physical activity data. In the study, known as “Small Steps, Strong Shield,” researchers found that any regular physical activity reduced the risk of developing COVID-19, a serious disease resulting from a lack of exercise. These findings are particularly important because students who engage in physical activity are also less likely … Read More

Women’s Heart Health Tips

You’re probably familiar with the symptoms of heart disease in men, but you’re still not aware of the dangers of your own heart. Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death among women, and it’s estimated that only half of them know how to prevent it. Luckily, there are a number of preventive measures you can take to protect your heart and prevent the symptoms. Following these tips can save your life.

Healthy eating

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the U.S., claiming the life of one woman every five minutes. While dietary factors may not play a large role in heart disease, some things can help keep it under control. For example, fruit and vegetables contain dietary fiber and antioxidants that promote overall health. They can also lower blood pressure. High blood pressure is a leading risk factor for heart attacks. Potassium, … Read More