Fitness Tips For Halfway Through the Year – Have You Met Your Healthy Living Goals?
It’s hard to believe that July is here already – wasn’t it just New Year’s?Many of us set some goals for better fitness/ health back in January.How are you coming with those?Have you fallen off the track? Here are my suggestions for taking advantage of summer weather while keeping up with your goals for a healthier you.

Walking is an exercise that just about everyone can do and it’s one of the best ways to prevent a whole range of diseases that can attack your body when it’s inactive.Whether you live at home or in Assisted Living, there are many opportunities to walk during the nice weather.You can get together with a few friends and walk to a local coffee shop, reward yourselves with a nice cup of green tea or some lemonade, then walk back, or if it’s too long a distance you can always take a cab or … Read More